Full-Length Plays for Adults
Gruoch or Lady Macbeth
"I have given suck, and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this." With these words Lady Macbeth spurs Macbeth into killing King Duncan.
So, where’s this ‘babe’?
Indeed, the historical Gruoch gave birth to Luloch when she was 13 years old. Two years later Macbeth killed her husband; she and her child therefore became his property, to keep or to kill.
Gruoch, or Lady Macbeth opens with Gruoch fleeing the conflagration of her husband, fearing for her and her son's lives. She finds safety in a shelter for homeless families run by three other witches who intend to assist her in becoming Queen, and to use her power to avenge the persecution of witches (a passion of King James I for whom Macbeth was written, as you probably know).
Romance and betrayal follow. As do dark comedy. And tragedy.
Produced by Death and Pretzels Theatre Company in March 2015.
Table read in the First Draft Series at Chicago Dramatists.
Selected in competition for workshop and reading at Three Cat Productions; January 2014.
La Maestra
La Maestra is set in a drama department of a modern university. Jennifer Hartnett, a young student, and her drama instructor, Hal Falcon, enact the story of Artemisia Gentileschi (as a play-within-a play) in preparation for possible production. Artemisia was a Seventeenth Century Italian artist known not only for the dramatic brilliance of her work, but also for the notoriety of the Vatican trial of her teacher and rapist, Agostino Tassi. Artemisia was tortured during the trial, ostensibly to determine if she was telling the truth. Sadly, the themes addressed in the play remain timely. The play progresses with parallel stories of the developing relationships between Jennifer and Hal, and Artemisia and Agostino, culminating in the rape of both Jennifer and Artemisia. La Maestra explores themes of gender inequality, abuse of the role of teacher/mentor; violation of trust; and the importance of courage, creativity, and friendship in overcoming trauma.
Staged reading with dance and music with Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble in 2016.
Reading in New York City, directed by Krysta Hibbard, in April 2019.
Video of earlier draft reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7RjVntNf1s&t=662s
The Tempest Within
The troubled history and redemption of five actors who are brought together to audition for the mysterious and world famous Mr. Director.
Staged reading with Deadline Workshop at Chicago Dramatists.
Staged reading with Writers Bloc August 7, 2017.
The Snow Queen (Adults only)
An adult rendition of the Hans Christian Anderson story in which Gerda sets off on a fantastic journey to rescue her childhood friend from the death-like land of his drug experience.
Table read in the First Draft Series at Chicago Dramatists.
Skin for Skin
Skin for Skin finds the Biblical Job as a detainee in Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq.
Producedwith The Agency Collective, directed by Mike Menendian, with choreography by Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble and Actors Gymnasium; Rivendell Theatre, February - April 2017.
Table read in the First Draft Series at Chicago Dramatists.
Go Boom!
GoBoom! depicts a romance between an actor and the therapist of an autistic child, in the midst of a lawsuit against the company that makes vaccinations.
Staged reading with Deadline Workshop at Chicago Dramatists.
Anna O.
Bertha Pappenheim’s treatment with Dr. Josef Breuer; the birth of psychoanalysis; and her courageous efforts to combat her symptoms, the treatments, and the abuse of women and children. Freud is merely a footnote.
Selected scenes read as part of Untold Stories of Jewish Woman at The Museum of Jewish Heritage; February 2018.
Table read in the First Draft Series at Chicago Dramatists.
Staged reading at The Agency Collective in Jan. 2016.
Into The River
Two men meet on a bridge over a river; one is contemplating suicide. Chance or karma?
To The Great Egress
PT Barnum is at the gates of heaven. He wants in. The two strangers who arrive after him have another idea.
Table read in the First Draft Series at Chicago Dramatists.
When the Levee Breaks
A young hot-shot corporate lawyer meets the girl of his dreams. The earth moves. Literally.
The first scene was performed at Chicago Dramatists in the Best of the Ten Festival and The Second City Chicago.